RemoteRacing™ is powered by RaceX® and its patents-pending EnviroNorm® and race simulation technologies to create a fair and level playing field for all participants. It converts remote race performances into comparable onsite race outcomes.
Your remote results are normalized based on your remote environment and terrain (elevation, temperature, humidity, wind, wind direction, air pressure, course elevation change, and so forth) then localized to the environment and terrain of the associated onsite race to produce the finish time you would have gotten had you actually competed onsite.
Your Environment
Environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, elevation, wind, and terrain have a significant impact on your athletic performance. These factors generally fall into one or both of the following two categories based on the type of impact they have on your performance:
Internal: These factors have an impact on your physiological ability to perform (elevation – less oxygen; heat – blood required for cooling)
External: These factors have an impact on the realized results of your effort (topography, wind speed, wind direction, wind exposure, surface conditions, water current, water type – buoyancy, pool format, equipment—bike/wetsuit)
Temperature and humidity are the two most significant internal impact factors as they affect your ability to dissipate heat to regulate your core body temperature. The more blood that flows to your skin for cooling means less blood is available to carry oxygen and energy to your muscles. The decrease in blood available to transport oxygen and energy will diminish your physical performance ability.
Elevation is a good example of a factor that can have both internal and external impact on your performance. Oxygen is required for aerobic activities, and there’s less oxygen available in the air at higher elevations. Therefore, your aerobic performance ability is diminished at higher elevations. However, the air is less dense at higher elevations which will reduce wind drag. Depending on your cycling speed, the net benefit of reduced wind drag may be greater than your diminished performance ability due to the reduced oxygen availability. The net performance impact for different individuals in the same high-elevation environment may be very different depending on their velocities and drag coefficients.
Other external factors such as wind, terrain, and equipment don’t typically impact your physiological ability to perform but can have a substantial impact on the realized results of your effort as these factors change.
Localizing for RemoteRacing
RemoteRacing localization uses EnviroNorm to normalize the internal and external impact factors related to remote and onsite racing environments, RaceX to simulate onsite race outcomes, and a unique remote race flow to make the remote race experience as comparable to onsite racing as possible.