RaceX Performance Verification System verifies participants’ performance-related data pre- and post-race to facilitate a fair competition with accurate results. Pre-race verifications include identity, weight, and performance.
Identity Verification
Identity verification is a one-time verification step that uses official documents such as a driver’s license to verify your identity, age, and height.
If you’re an annual member of an affiliated National Governing Body (such as USA Triathlon), you can also verify your membership status within your RaceX account. This verification may be required to participate in specific races such as national qualifiers or national championships.
Identity verification is done on your RaceX account profile.
Weight Verification
Weight verification is completed just prior to performing your bike segment and ranges from self-reported to video-recorded based on your Verification Tier. Easy-to-follow instructions relative to your Verification Tier for each race will be provided in your RaceX account.
Performance Verification
Performance verification requirements are relative to your performance ability.
Top-tier participants—elites vying for the top rankings—have more verification requirements than lower-tier participants. Verification is highest where it matters the most and lowest for beginners making it simple and easy for them to participate.
Your Performance Ability (“Thresholds”)
Performance verification is completed for each race and discipline in the weeks leading up to your race date. It starts with the system analyzing your synced training data and establishing your performance ability based on your “threshold” (aka Functional Threshold Power/Pace or FTP) for each discipline.
Your threshold is a physiologically significant exertion level and widely used performance benchmark in endurance sports. In cycling, your threshold is generally defined as your average power output from a 60-minute, all-out effort. Swim and run thresholds are defined similarly.
Your Race Projections
Using your threshold values, the system projects your race-day performance potential as a percent of your threshold relative to your race duration. For example, if your run threshold is 8:00/mile, we know that you’re able to race a 5k at about a 7:35/mile pace and that a 5k pace of 7:00/mile pace or faster would not be possible under normal conditions.
Your Verification Tiers
Because higher levels of performance require higher levels of verification, Remote Racing uses four performance verification tiers each with increasingly higher verification requirements and race-day performance limits.
Verification-tier requirements pertain to how your pre-race thresholds are established and your race activities themselves. Factors include your training/racing equipment, metrics provided (gps, power, heartrate), amount and recency of your training data, and so forth.
Your verification-tier performance limits are set for each verification tier and are specific to your performance levels (equalized for age and gender) for each discipline.
You will need to meet the requirements for the verification tier with a performance limit sufficient to support your performance ability. This verification tier limit is the fastest allowable power or pace that will be processed from your race-day results and is based on the highest verification tier for which you have met the requirements.
Here’s an example of verification tiers for the run simply stated to communicate the concept:
Verification Tier | General Requirements | Performance Limit |
1 — Elite | high-quality devices/equipment most up-to-date threshold |
none |
2 — Competitive | above average devices/equipment | 7:00 / mile |
3 — Intermediate | average devices/equipment | 9:00 / mile |
4 — Novice | no supporting training data required | 12:00 / mile |
Verification tier 1 has no performance limit. Any participant can choose to meet the requirements of this tier regardless of whether it is required to support their performance level.
Both your projected performance level and the verification tier required to support your performance level will be clearly displayed in your RaceX account. You will find easy-to-follow instructions for how you can reach the next higher verification tier.
Example 1: Participant meets requirements of the verification tier sufficient to support their ability.
Verification Tier Required: 2 | Verification Tier Achieved: 2 |
Projected Performance: 7:30/mile | Verification Tier Limit: 7:00/mile |
In example 1, the participant’s race-day performance potential is 7:30/mile and they have met verification tier 2 requirements that are sufficient to support their performance level.
Example 2: Participant does not meet requirements of the verification tier sufficient to support their ability.
Verification Tier Required: 2 | Verification Tier Achieved: 3 |
Projected Performance: 7:30/mile | Verification Tier Limit: 9:00/mile |
In example 2, the participant’s race-day performance potential is a 7:30/mile run pace average and they need to meet verification tier 2 requirements to support their performance level. If they fail to meet those requirements, their race-day performance will be capped at the highest verification tier limit for the verification tier for which they’ve met the requirements. In this example, that would be the verification-tier 3 performance limit of 9:00/mile. Their race results would be processed using this pace.
Post-Race Verification
Post-race verification is done automatically as race activities are completed and synced. This process includes checks for data integrity (Data iQ, file tampering, etc.), rules compliance (drafting detection, transition time limits, etc.), and performance alignment (are participants’ results congruent with their potential).
Participants with issues found during post-race verification will be notified in their account along with an explanation of the issue and further verification steps required, if any.